No, seriously.  No silliness in this week's Theme Song Thursday.  Instead, a reminder that many (dare I say, most) of us could use on a regular basis.
* Being an official VEVO video, you will need to click the link to go to the actual YouTube page.  And you should.  You really, really should.
...but I'm feeling 32.  For a couple more weeks, anyway.

The relatability of this song is both hilarious and a little sad.  But mostly hilarious.
A few items of note:
~ I can, in fact, climb a staircase without difficulty.
~ My doctor prescribes me mindfulness meditation...which also pairs well with wine.
~ I did NOT like 50 Shades.
~ The cat thing is old news.  I've had at least one cat since I was 23.
You know what's awesome?

FORTY-ONE children dancing their little butts off at 7:45 in the morning, laughing and smiling and having a great time...and getting some exercise while they're at it.

And next week I might even have a couple more.

That's it though.  I'm putting at cap at 50 kids, tops.  No more additions after next week!  I hate to deny any kid the experience because it really is a blast, but 50 kids with one teacher is plenty.

The time went by super fast.  We really only had time for a warm-up, about 3/4 of a routine, a game, and a cool-down.  Next week we'll finish up the routine and play a different game.

And, on top of that, it's Theme Song Thursday!

Today's theme song is incredibly inane...but it made for a great Zumbatomic warm-up this morning.  So LET'S GO!
". . .whether folks come here to Boston for just today or they stay here for years, they leave with a piece of this town tucked firmly into their hearts."  ~ President Barack Obama

It was just about 10 years ago that I took my beloved Maine license plates off of my car in exchange for a Massachusetts registration.  As I recall, I had a joking-but-not-really-joking little ceremony as I sadly retired my Maine plates and began the process of accepting my new residence, even if my heart resided elsewhere.

A lot of time (and a lot of apartments) have passed since then, and today I proudly proclaim:  Boston, you're my home.
FINALLY.  Theme Song Thursday is here again.  I have been waiting since Saturday to post this song, which is my new obsession.  But first, let me tell you why Remix (I Like The) by New Kids on the Block is all sorts of awesome.

Musically speaking, it's got a sweet backbeat, great contrast, and three actual verses, which is something that seems to hardly ever happen in pop songs these days.  You're lucky if you get two verses and seventeen iterations of the refrain.  And speaking of those verses, as someone who is working on her own V.2, I totally dig the message.

But then--THEN--there's the video.  Artemis Pebdani is my new hero.  She rocks my socks.  And Donnie Wahlberg just plain rocks my world. Since discovering this video I've had more than one conversation with my mom about how hot Donnie Wahlberg is.  (Is that weird?  Probably.  But he's hot and we both agree on that.)  Plus, they're all wearing suits.  And synchronized swimming?  That's pretty much a win in any music video.

You'll have to follow the link to YouTube to watch it, since it's a VEVO video.  Trust me, it's worth the extra click.

You're welcome.
It's Theme Song Thursday!!!

My original intent when I decided on Theme Song Thursdays for my blog (a whole five days ago) was to post inspirational songs.  The type of song that touches my soul, fills me with hope, or just generally reminds me what it's like to be human.

Well, scrap that.  The following song is none of those things.

But I have heard the themes to both Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2 in just the past couple of days, so this is what you're getting.

Theme Song Thursday can be whatever I want it to be.  Because I'm in control.  Y-y-you know it.